Friday, 13 November 2015

Spelling Unit 6

Deck, Neck, Peck, Lock, Rock, Sock, Duck, Suck, Tuck

Due to the shortened week of November 11, the pre-test will be on Monday the 16th and the test will be the following day. Also due to the two days off school, French books will be sent home on the 16th.

Spelling Unit 5

Thank, Bank, Sank, Tank, Prank, Think, Pink, Sink, Wink, Drink

The pop-up is gone

I removed the calendar from the bottom of the page, which eliminated the pop-up. My apologies for the annoyance caused by this unwanted link.

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Spelling Unit 5

they, them, these, those, this, thin, thick, think, thank, three

Monday, 19 October 2015

Spelling Unit 4

back,   pack,   sack,   rack,   tack,   pick,   lick,   sick,   tick,   kick

Welcome Riley!

Room 15 has extended a warm welcome to a new student today. Welcome to our class Riley!

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Spelling Unit 2

dish, wish, fish, cash, bash, rash, crash, flash, smash, splash

L'automne est arrivé

L'automne est arrivé

Dépêche-toi! Enfile ton manteau,
L'automne est arrivé.
Allez, viens, on va jouer dehors!
L'automne est arrivé.

Quand les feuilles changent de couleurs,
Quand les feuilles tombent sur le sol,
Allez, viens, sautons dans les feuilles!
L'automne est arrivé.

C'est le temps de récolter les pommes dans les pommiers.
Des citrouilles à décorer, l'Halloween est arrivé!

Dépêche-toi! Enfile ton manteau,
L'automne est arrivé.
Allez, viens, on va jouer dehors!
L'automne est arrivé.

Quand les feuilles changent de couleurs,
Quand les feuilles tombent sur le sol,
Allez, viens, sautons dans les feuilles!
L'automne est arrivé.

Les pommes dans les pommiers
 Des citrouilles à décorer.
Les feuilles tombent sur le sol.
L'automne est arrivé.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

How to Study Your Words

1. Look at the word, letter by letter, from beginning to end.

2. Say the word to yourself and listen carefully to the sounds.

3. Cover the word.

4. Write the word.

5. Check the spelling, letter by letter, with the word you are practicing.

If you make a mistake, notice where it is. Did you make it at the beginning of the word, or in the middle, or at the end? Was your mistake with a vowel, a consonant, or both? Now repeat all the steps with the same word.


Dear Parents,

The Grade 2 English Spelling program starts Monday. Every child will bring home a word list and assignment in the agenda pocket. The assignment will be started in class and will be completed at home, if necessary. The assignment is due back the following Monday.

I will introduce and review the words during lessons at school. The spelling words are at the top of the page and are grouped phonetically. Your child will need your assistance to practice the words and complete the homework. Children often find it helpful to study the words using the “Look, Say, Cover Write, Check, Repeat” method. The weekly spelling test will take place on Monday.

Thank you for your support. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.


Spelling unit 1

shed, shelf, shell, shin, ship, shock, shop, short, shut, shy

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Notre classe

Notre classe

Il y a 10 garçons dans la classe.
Il y a 9 filles dans la classe.
Il y a 19 enfants dans la classe.
Il y a plus de garçons dans la classe.
Il y a moins de filles dans la classe.
Cinq garçons portent des shorts.
Trois filles portent des robes.

The Colours of September

It is that time of the year again!!!

As many of you know, kindergarten students learn about colours in September!!!
Like last year, all classes are welcome and encouraged to join us!
Each day, we dress in specific colour(s) as part of our learning.
If you would like to do the same, please share the info below with your students and their families (via your blog).

*Please note that "brown day" (Sept. 28th) falls on picture day. Students do not have to wear brown on picture day:)

Monday, September 21 – rouge (red)
Tuesday, September 22 – bleu (blue)
Wednesday, September 23 – jaune (yellow)
Thursday, September 24 – vert (green)
Friday, September 25 – gris (grey)

Monday, September 28 – brun (brown) **picture day**
Tuesday, September, 29 – rose & violet (pink & purple)
Wednesday, September 30 – orange (orange)
Thursday, October 1 – noir & blanc (black & white)
Friday, October 2 – arc-en-ciel (rainbow)

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Bienvenue à la deuxième année!  Welcome to Grade Two!

I am excited to start another fantastic year at École Robert Browning and grateful for the opportunity to be a part of your child's life for the next ten months. I will use several methods to stay in touch this year.

The agenda is my first line of communication. I read them all daily, usually in the morning, to see if you have questions, comments or appointments that will affect your child's day at school.

The class blog will contain student work and updates about what is happening at school and in the class with information about assignments and school events.

Monsieur Sorokowski and his class will once again post the daily announcements online. 

You can contact me at school by emailing
or phoning the school and leaving a message. (204) 837-8381

I am available after school most days if you want to come by to speak to me.  

I look forward to working with you to make Grade 2 a year to celebrate your child's growth and learning.

Laurent Lacroix
Grade 2 
École Robert Browning